【同义词辨析】 2019-02-13 野蛮barbarian-savage

barbarian: often implies a state midway between tribal savagery and full civilization: traded with ~ peoples to the north.   civilization文明是有组织有文化的人类社会a human society with its own social organization and culture,如for centuries China stood as a leading civilization, outpacing the rest of the world in the arts and sciences很多世纪以来,中国是领先世界的文明,艺术和科学超越其它国家)  (civil文明的有礼貌的民事的国内的,讲文明包括两部分: 1是要有知识 2是要互相理解 ,如 try to be civil whether you like him or not不管你喜不喜欢他,尽量表现得文明(或礼貌)一点)

barbaric: tends to imply a wild profusion and lack of restraint that is indicative of crudity of taste and lack of self-restraint: punished the animal with ~ crudity.   (wild profusion中的profusion意思是大量字面意思是向前泼洒FUS表示泼洒pour,如a profusion of apology大量反复道歉,这里应该是过度的意思)

barbarous: is more likely to imply uncivilized cruelty or ruthlessness or sometimes complete lack of cultivated taste and refinement: outlawed the ~ practices of war.

savage: in its basic use implies less advance toward civilization than barbarian: a ~ tribe with a gathering economy; and in its extended use is ordinarily very close to barbarous: a ~ attack.

barbarian野蛮半开化: 进化阶段处在野人部落完全文明的之间,barbaric野蛮: 指狂野过度不克制,barbarous野蛮残忍: 更强调残忍无情(有时表示粗陋,savage野人野蛮残忍: 指进化程度不及barbarian,引申为野蛮残忍和barbarous同义

记忆方法: 1)首字母BBBS想成不笨不傻<==是野蛮

2)野蛮的意思是不文明mean characteristic of uncivilized people.